J-School blogs the CNN/YouTube debate

There were the bloggers, the clicker crew, the truth squad and others. All this was the brainchild of J-School faculty member Bonnie Bucqueroux ably assisted by her TA Robin Blom. Bonnie is smiling in the photo at CNN’s mention of her favorite canine candidate, Schmoopsie. The participating students, most from the Intro to Mass Media class, all cheered when Schmoopsie’s picture was in the CNN opening.

No matter what else this experience may teach them, I guarantee this group of 140 plus students will be better informed of at least the GOP candidates than most other college students and, sad to say their elders, as well. I hope it inspires them to explore the positions of the Democratic hopefuls, as well.
Great job Bonnie, Robin and the crews! And thank you to the editors of The Detroit News for being savvy enough to want student bloggers for the debate. Who knows more about YouTube than this generation?