Monday, October 01, 2007

Generation W (for Web) has hit campus

Here is something to ponder: the entering class of freshmen at MSU this fall were born in 1989, the year the world wide web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee.

They have grown-up surrounded by technology--and it's just a tool to them. They don't worry about breaking it, and if they do, it's replaceable. They are not into authority at all.

Many have created their own identities in virtual worlds like Second Life where no one knows if they are 12 or 45 or younger or older.

They process information differently. They absolutely know they can figure out anything using Google or another search engine. They don’t need to memorize facts or figures or dates, since it’s easier to “google” it.

They are impatient, energetic, live on their cells and text their friends constantly. Frankly, most of them don't get what worries traditional tree hugging, camera toting journalists about the seismic changes in the industry. They figure they’ll figure it out…and they likely will.

They are news consumers but have no brand loyalty. Though they generally don’t read newspapers or watch TV news, they do get information from a variety of sources, and a lot of it. They will spend hours working on something they feel passionate about.

Our traditional approach to education has to adapt with them. We need to become nimble, adaptable and flexible, and in light of Michigan’s budget situation, entrepreneurial, as well.

Got any ideas?? Let me know.


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